Tuesday, 1 September 2015

RPGaDay 23: The Perfect Game for me

Image result for Eclipse Phase

So today's entry is 'the perfect game for me' and I think that that's something where a title or a set of rules isn't really enough. They're a good place to start but if I'm honest I think people make games much more than sets of rules do, and what works with one group won't work with another. That's not to say there aren't games that do nothing for me, Fantasy and Space Opera are my hard sells and I find that more often than not they don't work me at all. That isn't to say though that in the right group I wouldn't fall in love with D&D or Traveller though; it's just that I haven't so far and my time is too precious these days to play something I dislike.

In terms of a group, my perfect game would be one where everyone pitches in a little, even if it's just knowing when to keep their jokes to a minimum and let something stand by itself. Ideally I'd want something where everyone had a hand in designing the campaign, throwing ideas into the pot and letting them mix together to make something great. I think too, that my perfect game would have everyone paying attention to the game, not letting tangents about TV or the internet get in the way of playing.

If you want to get into titles then I really don't know, as I chop and change too often for my own good. At the moment I'm reading Eclipse Phase and, gear porn aside, that seems pretty good. I wouldn't want to run it without Transhuman though; the 1000 points for character gen in the original book seems like a punishment rather than a feature. But I'm also eyeing up Yggdrasil and Keltia as historical fantasy games. Whether any of these are perfect though, would very much depend on who I was playing them with; especially as I've got more fernickity rather than less, as I've grown older.

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